Motivate2Create (M2C): promoting inclusion in adult education through artistic and cultural Social Action Projects (Erasmus+) project is progressing as planned and we have moved into the second half of its implementation.
From 3rd to 4th October 2022, Regional Development Agency Senec-Pezinok hosted the third project meeting in their office located in Bratislava. Together with the project partners: Rinova (UK), Rosetta Arts (UK), Materahub (IT), CEPS (ES), Urbani separe (HR), we evaluated the overall implementation of the project.
The meeting in Bratislava was productive and definitely beneficial in terms of development of project outputs. International partnership worked intensively on the finalization of the Online Learning Curriculum (IO2) and introduction of the Pocket Guide (IO3) that is considred as a final project output.
We are looking forward to the further implementation and we all believe that project outputs that are already developed and those that are still under development will be useful for professionals who work with communities: arts practitioners, social educators, community workers, project managers, and anyone who wants to implement a social action project.
To find out more about the project’s progress, please visit our website.